The Adventure Continues…
Hezekiah put his whole trust in the GOD of Israel… He held fast to GOD—never loosened his grip—and obeyed to the letter everything GOD had commanded Moses. And GOD, for his part, held fast to him through all his adventures. — 2 Kings 18:5-7 (MSG)
Indeed the Lord is faithful to hold us fast as we follow Him on the adventures He has ready for us. In December of 2011, the Lord invited me on an adventure with Him. The invitation came with the picture of a motorcycle and sidecar. He was driving the motorcycle, and I was in the sidecar. My job is not to drive, but to trust Him as He drives. My job is to stay in the sidecar.
Thanks to Daron Otis for this totally awesome depiction of my adventure…and more to come!
Some time after that I looked up the definition of “Adventure.” At, adventure is defined in this way: 1) an exciting or very unusual experience. 2) participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises: the spirit of adventure. 3) a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome.
And certainly this new adventure is full of the spirit of adventure, exciting undertakings and actions of uncertain outcome! From the very beginning, God has proved Himself faithful and has reminded me that He is holding me fast…even as I never loosen my grip on Him.
On October 25, 2012, I will board a flight that will bring me to the city of Joao Pessao, Brazil, and the People of First Baptist Church of Valentina. A people I have come to love and cherish over the past four years of my travels there. Their story is the subject of my book, “When God Transforms the Desert.”
And true to the definition, there is the element of uncertain outcome. Who know what lies before me on this adventure? I certainly do not, but my “Daddy” does. And wherever He takes me, it will be good.There have been many confirmations along the way. The phone call in which I was told (by someone who was not aware of the invitation from Pastor Eneas for me to join them in Brazil) that I had a “Macedonian Call” on my life. The time as I was driving, feeling overwhelmed, said out loud, “Jesus, we need to have a talk.” And at that very moment, a bright green… you guessed it, motorcycle and sidecar drove past on the other side of the road. Yes, He has proven Himself Faithful over and over again.
I want to take a moment here, and encourage you to believe God for your adventure. The one God has in His heart for you. To join Him on this “Great Adventure,” do not fear, He knows all about you, He has an adventure that is tailor made for who He made you to be.
If you accept, you will find the road, unknown, challenging, “adventurous” yet so wonderful because He is there with you all the way, never loosening His grip on you. Showing you facets of His wonderful character and faithfulness that you would never have know if you had not accepted His invitation to join Him on your adventure.
I do not know what your adventure might be like, but I know if you hold tight, and stay in the sidecar, it will be a ride you will never regret. Ask Him what your adventure might be.