This is a story of divine romance, and grand adventure. You are invited to follow the links to the pages below to learn more about the history, the calling, the vision and the preparations behind this life altering move to Brazil.
It is an adventure that I did not seek, but one I have been invited to. I want to share the story with you, and maybe encourage you to help, or at the very least that you would find out what adventure God might have for your life.
— Background
The mystery of God in bringing circumstances and people together for His purposes.
— The Call
God’s call to a “New Adventure” – video and “Macedonian Call”
— The Vision
Timeline, and Ministry
— Preparations and Support
What is needed, what is being readied
— Updates
What’s the latest news?
Thanks for following along… be sure to come back and catch up on the updates. Share the adventure with me.