We Serve…
by teaching the primary importance of knowing and loving the God of the Bible, Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
Jesus taught that this is the first and “great” commandment. It is unfortunate that we do not always start from here as we seek to serve the Lord. Loving the Lord with all our heart and soul and strength and mind means that we must know Him. In my years of pastoral and prayer ministry, I have found that the Church and believers in general have a lack of personal knowledge of the character and ways of God. Moses, after spending two 40 day periods of prayer in the very presence of the Shekinah Glory of God asked as he left the mountain top, “teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you” Exodus 33:13. Your Servant in Christ Ministries seeks to teach churches and believers that the passionate love for God is the beginning point of all service, revival, and outreach. To know His character His ways, is the doorway to loving the Lord as Jesus taught us.
by teaching and leading the church to have a “Culture of Prayer” in which God can work and bring His presence.
Prayer is the first work of the Church. The New Testament uses the term, to be “devoted” to prayer. The term has the meaning of being constant in our attention to prayer. Churches often treat prayer as one of the many “programs” that they conduct. In many churches there is not even a well-prayed through understanding of how prayer should be a part of the life of the church. Your Servant in Christ Ministries seeks to teach and lead churches into what we call a “culture of prayer.” The culture of a place are the seen, but mostly unseen and unspoken lifestyle choices that make up the culture. A child learns culture, not by attending classes, but by being raised in an atmosphere where that culture is caught. A culture of prayer begins by becoming aware of what a culture of prayer might look like in each church. In each local congregation, this will take on a particular flavor, and should be sought itself in prayer. A culture of prayer begins with leadership, who models this kind of lifestyle, and permeates even to the children who can be taught to be mighty prayer warriors. Everything in the church much be born in, empowered by, and sustained in prayer.
by teaching and promoting unity between churches in a community that together they might seek the transformation of their community
The unity of believers was fundamental in Jesus teaching of how the world will know that the Father loves them and sent the Son (John 15). Not only is the unity of the church in a community a testimony to the unbelievers, but it is attractive to the presence of God. God is attracted to unity, and there needs to be teaching and mentoring of how to walk in such unity. Unity does not mean that we have to share every theological point, but that we have a greater common goal, and greater common love for God that over-arches other issues. We use the illustration of playing in an orchestra for this point. You can have individual instruments played by dedicated musicians, but in order to play “Handel’s Messiah, each musical section, each musician must learn to submit themselves to the one conductor, and not be jealous of how others are playing their instruments. An orchestra is not a competition, it is a collaboration for a higher cause. So the churches in a community must learn to serve together for Kingdom purposes.
by teaching, and mentoring the principles of presence-based, transforming revival as seen in historical revivals, and in Scriptural principles.
Transforming revival is happening all over our globe today in powerful ways. In every continent, yet only one known instance in a community in the USA. There are many reasons for this alarming comparison. One of the major issues is that the American church does not have a hunger and desperation for the Presence of God as exists in other locations around the world. Your Servant in Christ seeks to teach churches and these communities the principles and truths of what attracts the Presence of God into transformed communities. We deal with the issues of personal, and corporate sin that keeps God’s favor at a distance, as with Achan in the book of Joshua. We seek to bring clearer definition to what “Transforming Revival” really is, and how it occurs. These are not arbitrary teachings, but Biblical Principles combined with historical and contemporary examples. God is consistent in His dealings, we must learn how to align ourselves with His character and principles.