YSICM Mission Statement Teaching Part 3


Logo - w websiteThe past few weeks we have been looking at the history and now the Mission Statement of Your Servant in Christ Ministries, or YSICM (why Ye S I C hiM)

This week I wan to look at the next touch point for this ministry…

Parts of Mission Statement

  • To serve Congregations
  • Fulfill the first and great commandment to be God-hungry believers
  • Living and ministering out of a culture of prayer
  • Together with others in the community
  • Hunger for and invite God’s Transforming Presence
  • For the Glory of His Name

It is our sincere desire that the body of Christ, and it’s local representatives come to a place where they are actively, and intentionally, fulfilling the first and great commandment is given by the Lord Jesus Christ, to love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind…

Matthew 22:35-38One of them, an expert in religious law, tried to trap him with this question; “teacher, what is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind,” this is the first and greatest commandment

I describe this as being “God – Hungry believers”

This begins with the statement of the Westminster catechism – The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying him forever.

At your servant in Christ ministries our mission is to serve by teaching the primary importance of knowing and loving the God of the Bible, Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Our love for God primarily, above all other things, is the beginning point of our fulfilling what God has designed us to do and be. In Mark 22: 18-24, The Pharisees and Sadducees tried to get Jesus into a debate about what is the most important issues, and this took on two important aspects. First they wanted to debate him about theology, and the issue of marriage. Jesus direct them to the most important thing, which is a personal, intimate, loving relationship with God.

Part of Jesus answer to them was to tell them that they did not understand the Scriptures when they tried to debate him about this issue of divorce and remarriage. He said that they do not know the scriptures and they do not know the God of the Scriptures. To know God, we must be in continuing hunger for knowing the Scriptures. To know him, we must know his word, Psalm 14:2, I Chronicles 16:11, Isaiah 55:6-7.

In Revelation chapter 2, in his message to the FE’s in church, Jesus told them that they were diligent to work for the Lord, they have correct theology, they were watchful for error, and they had been patient in their sufferings. But despite all of that, what they had lost was that primary, first love for the Lord.

This is essential for us to understand in these days. We can have many programs and keep watch to have correct teaching, the labor for the Lord is a pastor, Sunday school teacher, Elder, Deacon, or Deaconess, or whatever. But we must always be diligent to make sure that we have not walked away from that primary love that Jesus is looking for.

This is essential for us to understand in these days. We can have many programs and keep Watch to have correct teaching, the labor for the Lord is a pastor, Sunday school teacher, Elder, Deacon, or Deaconess, or whatever. But we must always be diligent to make sure that we have not walked away from that primary love that Jesus is looking for.

It is our challenge to help the church revive that first love so that all the other things will follow.

If you would like to know more about our teaching on these subjects please contact us at Steve loopstra@gmail.com

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The YSICM Mission Statement


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The YSICM Mission Statement

Last post I shared how Your Servant in Christ Ministries was born and the interesting desire built into the ministry initials – YSICM ( (Y) Why (S) Yes I ( C ) See (M) ‘em – Him…. Why yes! I see Him!

This post I want to share with you the heart of Your Servant in Christ Ministries, and our Mission Statement. In the weeks ahead I will explain the teaching and reasoning behind each of the various parts of our Mission Statement.

The Mission of Your Servant in Christ Ministries is to serve congregations with the goal that they fulfill the first and great commandment to be God-hungry believers, living  and ministering out of a culture of prayer, so that together with others in their community, they might hunger for, and invite God’s transforming Presence into their lives, their families, their churches and into their communities for the Glory of His Name.

This can be broken down into the following components:

  • Serve Congregations – My next post will explain the importance of local congregations understanding what God’s heart is for them to be all that He wants them to be in our world today in the context of true Transformation.
  • Often lost in the business of agendas and talk of Gift of the Spirit is the heart of God that His Church, His Bride be hungry for His Presence.
  • The fulfillment of God’s purposes for each local congregation is that they learn how to operate out of a true culture of prayer. We teach about what that really means.
  • Working together with other congregations. This is the unity that God says is so precious to His own heart. The unity of congregations in a given locality or region is essential for what comes next.
  • True Transformation is the “Manifest Presence” of God. We teach what is the “Manifest Presence” of God, give examples of that in today’s world and what it takes to experience the Manifest Presence of God.

Over the next weeks I will briefly unpack each of these part of our YSICM mission statement. And in the end it really is all about helping individuals, families, congregations and communities say, “Why Yes! I See Him!”

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What is Your Servant in Christ Ministries all about?


What is Your Servant in Christ Ministries all about?

A good question. Over the next few weeks I want to share with you the heart and mission of YSICM.

In this first installment, I want to share with you the birth of Your Servant in Christ Ministries, the significance of the name, and an interesting “factoid” I’m sure you never knew about the name of this ministry.

How YSICM was born.

For several years, I was the director of a ministry our of Minneapolis, Minnesota called, “Prayer Transformation Ministries. PTM was a ministry focused on Revival, and Transformation, and Intercession. These were very blessed and wonderful years of ministry. In 2009, I was asked to join the ministry of The Sentinel Group our of the Seattle, WA area. My wife and I moved to Monroe, Washington, and I was involved in a number of ways with The Sentinel Group and the message of transformation.

In 2011, my wife passed away from pancreatic cancer, and at the same time, the ministry of The Sentinel Group was hitting on very hard financial times. In December of 2011, I was invited to join the ministry of a church in Valentina, Brazil as the pastor of intercession.

I felt like the Lord was calling me to begin a ministry focused on revival and transformation, and intercession, the three subjects that have been the core of my heart and calling from the very beginning of my Christian life.

But what to call this new ministry? I absolutely did not want to call it “Steve Loopstra ministries!” But what name would God want? In those days I took many walks around a small in Monroe, Washington. In one of these walks as I was seeking to hear from the Lord regarding the name of the ministry, I truly heard Him say, “How have you always signed your letters?” Well, for many years, all my correspondence was signed as “Your servant in Christ.” I never capitalized the “S” in servant in order to not elevate the sense of being a servant.

Well, the next question was, “What do I do about a logo?”  That happened to be a WednesdayLogo - w website, and that evening I attended a prayer meeting at one of the churches in town. That afternoon I had been thinking about the logo and picturing some kind of concept with a towel and basin reflecting Jesus serving His disciples. The first part of the prayer time, the room lights were dimmed to facilitate personal meditation. After some time, the pastor invited us to rise and prayer walk around the room. As I arose and turned to join the procession, there on a table in front of me was exactly what I had pictured in my mind!  A pitcher, a candle, and a towel! I was amazed, and snapped a picture.

The next day as I was working on the logo and the new name, Your Servant in Christ Ministries, the Lord spoke something very strange to me. He said, “look at the first letter of each of the words of the name.” Really?  YSICM. To my mind came what is at the heart of what this ministry is all about.  “Y” “S” “I” “C” “M” —  “Why Yes, I (C) See (M) Him”  YSICM.

Later, I was curious whether I was understanding correctly the “Why Yes” part. When I looked up that phrase, is: ‘Why, yes’ seems to be an idiomatic expression, used to add emphasis to a response. ”

My desire is that through this ministry, whether what I write, or opportunities to speak and teach (more on this to follow), people would see the Lord in His glory, power, and splendor

That’s the heart of Your Servant  In Christ Ministries… next week, I will begin sharing the mission statement of YSICM.

Your support and prayers are always appreciated as we seek to live this out.

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