We are excited about this opportunity to share with you our heart for transformation in your life, your family, your church and your community.
We bring to you a background in pastoral ministry, prayer ministry, and teaching in Transforming Revival. We desire to serve you, your church, and community with the vision of loving our Lord supremely and seeking His Presence in Transforming Revival. Offering Prayer, Intercession, and Transformation teaching and training.
We invite you to explore our site, and enter into a vast realm of what God is doing in our world today.
On this Blog page you will find both entries from my “Walking Through the Land of Firsts” blog and the “In the Loop – Transformational Thoughts” blog. I invite you to walk along.
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Thanks so much for your heart for God Steve just wanted to let you know that you blessed and encouraged me so at the monthly prayer meeting you headed up at MCC last week.
I found a copy of Andrew Murray’s book for free on the web and have been reading it, love love love it. I am planning on reading all the books that I can get from your list.
Prayer is so crucial for us all and I want mine to be not only pleasing to Abba but effective. I come from a charismatic/word of faith background and although I know that any and all denominations can major on the minor things and being human we all have a tendency to use our own wisdom and take things beyond what God intended. That said I still believe that God can give us through the Holy Spirit a prayer language not to be confused with speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. And I believe strongly that we are to pray the Word in faith and not doubt. God is not a man that He would lie and His Word is pure truth THE truth and God has provided His will to be know through His Word. So here is my problem I do not want to ever be presumptuous and I so want my prayers to be prayed in faith believing that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I believe the Word when He tells us that those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and through the years I have come to different understandings of what He means by that. But most of all I just want to pray without all the confusion of am I praying the will of God is it presumptuous to speak the Word just as it is written believing and taking Him at His word when He says what so ever you ask in My name it shall be done. If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can speak to this mountain and it will fall. I know I am paraphrasing but you get it. Today is a different season in my life and I would hope that I am not so concerned what people think as much as what God thinks. I know Gods grace covers and He knows my heart but I dont know about people do we have the grace for one another. If I pray amiss will others extend the grace of the Father…. so said all that to say I am hesitant to pray in groups. I am much more free when it is just God and me but I know He wants me to learn more about prayer so I hope you will continue to teach for the monthly prayer night. And if you have any resources you think could help me I would appreciate hearing from you.
Thanks for allowing me to rant!
In Him who loved us first
Jan Lewis